
понедельник, 24 февраля 2014 г.

Indirect Speech

I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:
1.   Phil promised (to pay /paying) back his debt as soon as possible.
2.   The teacher explained to us that the Sun (was / is) a big star.
3. The shop assistant told us (do not touch / not to touch) any of the items on display.
4.   Mr. Ferrow suggested (talking / that he would talk) to the manager in person.
5.   My parents asked me what time I (got / had got) home the night before.
6.   Brenda says she (is arriving/was arriving) at about 6.00.
7.   He wondered what (he should do / should he do) to set the situa­tion right
8.   My bank manager wanted to know if (I was taking/ was I taking) much money with me to France.
9.   Martin denied that he (had borrowed / borrowed) any books from the library.
10. The secretary asked her boss what time (would he leave / he was leaving) for the airport.
II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:
1.   Katherine's told me she ... for a better job at the moment.
a.        was looking                     c. looked
b.        looks                                 d. is looking
2.   The teacher told the pupils that the steam engine ... in England in the 19th century.
a.        invented                           c. has been invented
b.        was invented                   d. had been invented
3.   The financial adviser convinced the Board that the new project ... a success.
a.        will be                               c. would be
b.        is going to be                    d. was
4.   He told us he had met his future wife when he ... in Italy on business.
a.        has been                            c. had been
b.        was                                   d. was being
5.   He warned me ... my flat yet.
a.        do not sell                        c. to sell
b.        about selling                    d. not to sell
6.   The correspondent asked the elected candidate ... on the election results.
a.        to comment                      c. commented
b.        don't comment                 d. would comment
7. The flight attendant asked me if... my flight.
a.        I am enjoying                  с. I was enjoying
b.        am I enjoying                  d. was I enjoying
8. The manager threatened ... the clerk if he didn't change his atti­tude to work.
a.        that he will dismiss         c. to dismiss
b.        dismissing                       d. that he dismissed Imagine - the 
9.Greeks thought that the sun ... round the earth.
a.        goes                                  c. has gone
b.        went                                  d. had gone
10. Could you tell me where ... ?
a.        the nearest post office is c. was the nearest post office
b.        the nearest post office was d. is the nearest post office
11. Nick exclaimed that they ... football when the bomb ... off.
a.        had been playing; went c. were playing; had gone
b.        were playing; went         d. had been playing; had gone
12. She said she ... sorry about the delay and she ... with the matter right away.
a.        was; will deal                  c. is; will deal
b.        was; would deal             d. is; would deal
13. I wonder ... new staff for the summer.
a.        would they be employing c. will they be employing
b.        if they would be employing d. if they will be employing
14. The Purchasing Director wanted to know how much ....
a.        the new equipment costed c. the new equipment cost
b.        did the new equipment cost d. does the new equipment cost
15. My personal assistant informed me that Ms Sullivan ... while I ... out.
a.        phoned; was                   c. was phoning; had been
b.        had phoned; had been d. had phoned; was

III. Заполните пропуски подходящими пo смыслу глаголами:
admitted, allowed, confessed, told, advised, apologized, invited, reminded, agreed, asked, offered
1. "Don't forget to water the plants every day, will you?" Diana said to me. Diana ... me to water the plants every day.
2.   "O.K. I'll go to the cinema with you," she said. She ... to go to the cinema with him.
3.   "Would you like to come over for lunch on Sunday?" she said. She ... us over for lunch on Sunday.
4.   "It was your fault, Mandy. You didn't tell us", they said. They ... Mandy for not telling them.
5.   "You can go in and see her now," mother said. Mother ... me to go in and see her then.
6.   "It was me who stole the money," said Jim. Jim ... to stealing the money.
7.   "If I were you, Bill, I'd buy a mountain bike," Stephen said. Stephen ... Bill to buy a mountain bike.
8.   "Let me carry your suitcase, Celia," said Harry. Harry ... to carry Celia's suitcase.
9.   "I'm soriy I messed up the arrangements," Roland said. Roland ... for messing up the arrangements.
10. "Why don't we share the cost of the apartment?" Karen said. Karen ... sharing the cost of the apartment.

IV. В каждом предложении найдите и исправьте ошибки:
1.   I'd like to know where are they.
2.   I wonder what does he do all day long.
3.   He said penguins could swim.
4.   Could you tell me why do you look so upset?
5.   He asked me whether I would go back here next year.
6.   I don't know why they had not kept their promise to take us with them.
7.   She asked them what colour were they going to paint the living room.
8.   He said Shakespeare was born in London.
9.   Do you know had Jane received a letter from her American pen pal?
10. They wanted to know that if they were allowed to keep pets in the flat.

V. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:
1. "Let's go out to the cafe for lunch, shall we?" Wendy said.
2. Andy said to me, "Do you think you could possibly tell me what the time is?"
3. "It isn't so foggy today as it was yesterday," I remarked.
4. James said, "I was walking home when I saw the accident."
5. The journalists asked the President of the company, "When are you planning to set up a subsidiary?"
6. The director asked the personnel officer, "Could you tell Miss Benson that she has been made redundant?"
7. "It doesn't look as if I'll be arriving until after eight, I'm afraid," said Miss Lucas.
8. She said, "I met Mr. Luis while I was attending Seattle World's Fair."
9. The customs officer asked Mr. Vito, "Do you have anything to declare?"
10. They cautioned me, "Don't make a statement before you've consulted the lawyer."

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